--- title: "OpenCPU" author: "Andreas Blaette (andreas.blaette@uni-due.de)" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette editor_options: chunk_output_type: console vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{OpenCPU} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- ## Objective Sometimes, it is practically or legally not possible to move corpus data to a local machine. This vignette explains the usage of CWB corpora that are hosted on an [OpenCPU](https://www.opencpu.org/) server. ```{r, eval = TRUE} library(polmineR) ``` ## Remote Corpora ### Publicly Available Corpora The GermaParl corpus is hosted on an OpenCPU server with the IP (subject to change). To use the corpus, use the `corpus()`-method. The only difference is that you will need to supply the IP address using the argument `server`. ```{r, eval = FALSE} gparl <- corpus("GERMAPARL", server = "http://opencpu.politik.uni-due.de") ``` The `gparl` object is an object of class `remote_corpus`. ```{r, eval = FALSE} is(gparl) ``` ### Using polmineR core functionality The polmineR at this stage exposes a limited set of its functionality for remote corpora. Simple investigations in the remote corpus are possible. #### Get corpus size ```{r, eval = FALSE} size(gparl) ``` #### Get structural annotation (metadata) ```{r, eval = FALSE} s_attributes(gparl) ``` #### Subsetting ```{r, eval = FALSE} gparl2006 <- subset(gparl, year == "2006") ``` The returned object has the class `remote_subcorpus`. ```{r, eval = FALSE} is(gparl2006) ``` #### Simple count ```{r, eval = FALSE} count(gparl, query = "Integration") ``` The `count()`-method works for `remote_subcorpus` objects, too. ```{r, eval = FALSE} count(gparl2006, query = "Integration") ``` #### KWIC ```{r, render = knit_print, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE} kwic(gparl, query = "Islam", left = 15, right = 15, meta = c("speaker", "party", "date")) ``` Works for the `remote_subcorpus`, too. ```{r, render = knit_print, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE} kwic(gparl2006, query = "Islam", left = 15, right = 15, meta = c("speaker", "party", "date")) ``` ### Restricted Corpora 1. Create directory for registry file-style files with credentials 2. Create file with credentials for your corpus in this directory Note: Filename is corpus id in lowercase ```{r, eval = FALSE} ## ## registry entry for corpus GERMAPARLSAMPLE ## # long descriptive name for the corpus NAME "GermaParlSample" # corpus ID (must be lowercase in registry!) ID germaparlsample # path to binary data files HOME http://localhost:8005 # optional info file (displayed by ",info;" command in CQP) INFO https://zenodo.org/record/3823245#.XsrU-8ZCT_Q # corpus properties provide additional information about the corpus: ##:: user = "YOUR_USER_NAME" ##:: password = "YOUR_PASSWORD" ``` 3. Set environment variable "OPENCPU_REGISTRY" in .Renviron to dir just mentioned 4. Get server whereabouts ```{r, eval = FALSE} x <- corpus("MIGPRESS_FAZ", server = "YOURSERVER", restricted = TRUE) ``` ## Next steps Upcoming versions of polmineR will expose further functionality. This is a simple proof-of-concept!