Sometimes, it is practically or legally not possible to move corpus data to a local machine. This vignette explains the usage of CWB corpora that are hosted on an OpenCPU server.
## polmineR is throttled to use 2 cores as required by CRAN Repository Policy. To get full performance:
## * Use `n_cores <- parallel::detectCores()` to detect the number of cores available on your machine
## * Set number of cores using `options('polmineR.cores' = n_cores - 1)` and `data.table::setDTthreads(n_cores - 1)`
## Attaching package: 'polmineR'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
## use
The GermaParl corpus is hosted on an OpenCPU server with the IP (subject to change). To use the corpus, use the
-method. The only difference is that you will need
to supply the IP address using the argument server
The gparl
object is an object of class
The polmineR at this stage exposes a limited set of its functionality for remote corpora. Simple investigations in the remote corpus are possible.
The returned object has the class remote_subcorpus
The count()
-method works for
objects, too.
Create directory for registry file-style files with credentials
Create file with credentials for your corpus in this directory
Note: Filename is corpus id in lowercase
## registry entry for corpus GERMAPARLSAMPLE
# long descriptive name for the corpus
NAME "GermaParlSample"
# corpus ID (must be lowercase in registry!)
ID germaparlsample
# path to binary data files
HOME http://localhost:8005
# optional info file (displayed by ",info;" command in CQP)
# corpus properties provide additional information about the corpus:
##:: user = "YOUR_USER_NAME"
##:: password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"
Set environment variable “OPENCPU_REGISTRY” in .Renviron to dir just mentioned
Get server whereabouts
Upcoming versions of polmineR will expose further functionality. This is a simple proof-of-concept!